четвъртък, 19 май 2011 г.

Моето есе по английски от матурата

  I have son. His name is Pesho. He is fifteen years old. He has green hair, blue eyes and skin white like a snow. He wears military clothes. Pesho wear his bag everywhere, its name is “meshka” he adore it.
  He is not very good student, most of the time he cheating on his exams. The most popular mark for him is tree, sometimes Pesho has four, but unfortunately he hasn’t got more. His interests are unknown for me. I know that he plays on guitar and drums, drinks a lot on parties and a have to phone to the emergency phone very often.
  I haven’t got any relations with him. A few years ago I tried to do some control on him, but I field. Now he looks at me like purse and ambulance. I can only dream for good feature for him. If I have to be realistic, I have to expect Pesho to die till age of twenty two years.

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